Clinics We Offer
In addition to GP consultations the practice adheres to the General Medical Services Contract for the provision of healthcare services:
Chronic Disease management
- Asthma
- Cardiovascular
- Diabetes
Additional Services
- Cervical smears
- Child health & immunisations - A clinic for well babies is held on Thursdays between 14:00 - 16:00 with a doctor and health visitor. A pre-school immunisation clinic is run by the practice nurse every 2nd Monday of the month, between 14:00 - 16:00.
- Family planning
- Minor surgery - some minor procedures can be carried out in the surgery via a GP referral.
- Health promotion
- Spirometry - by appointment
- Treatment room - blood tests, blood pressure checks, urine testing wound dressing, suture removal and injections are carried out in the treatment room by appointment only.
- Vaccinations and immunisations.
- Well woman clinic